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What Really Matters? Making Decisions That Count

Writer's picture: Dr. Jackie MinorDr. Jackie Minor

Do you ever lose sight of what is important? I do. Demands at home and work often monopolize my time and thoughts. I do my best to protect my Bible reading and prayer time because it is the only thing that helps me keep things in perspective. Without the Holy Spirit’s guidance through God’s Word, I’d really be in big trouble.

I was listening to a sermon podcast recently on one of my flights. I found the sermon to be quite convicting, which happens to me in just about every sermon! I was reminded that God decides everything despite our strong need to be in control. He decided…

-where we were born,

-who are parents are,

-what we look like,

-how long we will live,

-and the list goes on.

The bottom line—most decisions are HIS. However, we do have choices in this life. Let’s be honest. Many of our choices are driven by our own hopes and desires despite God’s plan for us. If I were Dr. Phil, I might ask, “How is that working?” I don’t know about you, but decisions I make outside of God’s direction never result in His best for me.

What should drive our choices? Our decisions? What will really make our life count? The answer is one word—eternity. That is something WE decide. We decide who we are in eternity. Everything we possess stays here. In the sermon podcast the pastor asked, “How do you want to face Heaven?” Wow! Will the choices I make here in this short life impact eternity? Isn’t it foolish to put so much time, effort and money into things that won’t last?

When I get bogged down in the daily grind of life or when situations become stressful, I am going to work very hard to step back and ask myself, “How are your actions going to impact eternity? ” In order for my life to impact eternity, I have to follow God’s plan, not mine. God’s plan is always focused on eternity. He wants to see us all there—you, me and everyone else!

The Lord is not slow about his promise, as some count slowness, but is patient toward you, not wishing for any to perish but for all to come to repentance. I Peter 3:9

For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Then you will call on me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart. Jeremiah 29:11-13

How do we make sure our actions are aligned with God’s plan?

How can we make decisions that impact eternity?

While I don’t have all the answers, I believe the early church gives us a clue. It was an exciting time! The gospel of Jesus Christ was spreading many were being saved. Lives were changed. In Acts 2:42, we read, “And they were continually devoting themselves to the apostles teaching and to the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer.”

I strongly believe these practices apply today. When Jesus gets a hold of our hearts, we are changed. The passionate obedience of the early Christians should serve as a model for all of us. I’ve listed a few practical applications. Can you add some of your own?

Devoting themselves to the apostles teaching

Attend church and sit under a pastor that preaches directly from the Bible.

Participate and/or lead bible studies with your colleagues.

Protect your own quiet time seeking to interact with God through His word.


Look for opportunities to gather together before, during or after the workday. These gatherings are opportunities to get to know people in a social setting.

Invite fellow believers to grab a coffee or go out for a quick snack after work.

Breaking of Bread

Most believe this refers to communion. Seek out other educators at your church. Connect with them.

Find out if your Christian colleagues are attending a church. If not, invite them to yours!


Set up a prayer time once a week before school. Invite your colleagues!

Ask fellow believers how you can pray for them. Check back in to see how things are going.

Keep a prayer journal.

What else can you add to this list?

What decisions can you make today to impact eternity?


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