“When God enters the equation, His output always exceeds your input.”
Mark Batterson (The Circle Maker, 2011)
I wonder.
· Do you think Moses envisioned parting the Red Sea?
· Do you think Esther imagined she would be instrumental in saving her people from annihilation?
· Do you think Joseph predicted he would save his family and an entire nation from starvation?
· Do you think Deborah thought her words would be the impetus for the Israelites’ critical victory over the Canaanites?
These were ordinary people God used to accomplish what most of us would deem impossible. The Bible doesn’t tell us if Moses, Esther, Joseph, or Deborah dreamed big dreams. However, in each instance, we do know when God called them to an impossible task, they responded in obedience, and the impossible became possible!

As a new school year looms large, I want to encourage you to dream big! What does God want to do through you this year? Something that seems impossible? Good! Maybe you don’t quite know yet. It’s okay! The vision is not our own but one sown in our hearts and mind by God himself. Be on the lookout! God has a plan!
Where there is no vision [no revelation of God and His word], the people are unrestrained; But happy and blessed is he who keeps the law [of God]. Proverbs 29:18
For I know the plans that I have for you,’ declares the Lord, ‘plans for welfare and not for calamity to give you a future and a hope. Jeremiah 29:11
While our experiences may not parallel those of Joseph or Esther, their examples of faith, patience, and obedience serve as reminders of how our God is in the “impossible” business. Carter Conlin recently tweeted, “The Lord is always willing to take you in your smallness and make you more than you are.” However, if you are like me, it is easy to fall into traps which limit God.
Here are a couple that challenge me.
1. Unworthiness. I look at myself and see my failures and frailties. I can’t imagine God using me to do the impossible. I have told Him this out loud. Literally. Do you know what I heard back? “Don’t let your unworthiness overshadow Me. It isn’t about you. It is about who I am through you.” Wow! My next step? Obedience and faith.
2. Unknown. I often fail to dream big because I want to know how it is all going to play out. I try to put a “logical” and “practical” lens on a dream that is most likely illogical and impractical. In other words, I wonder, “Is it doable? Can I do it?” I know those are the wrong questions. Christine Caine challenged me when she said, “We need to replace what we do not know about the future with what we do know about God.” One thing I do know—nothing is impossible with God.
Jesus looked at them and said, “With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.” Matthew 19:26
For those of you who know me and know about Victorious Educator Ministries (VEM), God has placed a big dream on my heart.
Victorious Educator Ministries (VEM) is a forum to support, empower, ignite, and encourage educators around the world to live out their Christian faith in the workplace—in front of students, parents, and colleagues.
The ministry is new, and I am trying to dream big! Each time an idea comes to mind, I write it down. I don’t want to limit God. Here are just a few of my thoughts.
· Create resources to support spiritual learning communities in schools.
· Develop a forum for teachers to share what God is doing in their school.
· Set up prayer partnerships with schools and churches.
· Conduct rallies or events for Christian educators.
· Establish a mentor program to partner young educators with veteran educators for spiritual encouragement.
· Write a book for Christian educators.
· Establish a team to help facilitate the ministry.
I could go on and on. I want to dream big. I don’t want to limit God, but I have to admit, I am so impatient!!
I am sharing all of this with you to encourage you to dream big! However, I also have to acknowledge the dreaded waiting period. Dreams seldom come true overnight. When we don’t see God moving at our expected pace, we may get discouraged or wonder if we are on the right track. We need to stay focused on God’s vision for us and learn to find joy in our current circumstances. Sometimes we don’t realize that the little things happening in front of us on a daily basis are really stepping stones to the vision God has for us.
For me, dreaming big is easy. The hard parts are remembering to be patient, trust God’s timing, and find joy in daily obedience. As I result, I’m claiming Proverbs 29:18.
How about you? What big dream does God want to make possible through you this year? Don’t limit Him.
Dream big!
P.S. I would like to make a couple of requests. If you would like to be more involved with this ministry, feel free to direct message me or email me at minorjackie55@gmail.com. If you are not feeling called to be directly involved, please share about this ministry with others. We want to support as many teachers as possible!